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Add Additional Revenue By Selling Products To Your Clients.

Looking to Enhance Your Client Experience?

Have you considered the benefits of offering retail products to your clients? Beyond complementing your services, it's a lucrative avenue for additional income. 

Why Introduce Retail to Your Clientele?

A comprehensive aftercare routine can significantly extend the life of their lashes, leading to happier clients who return for more services. Clean lashes reduce appointment times, benefiting both you and your clients. Most importantly, retailing products adds a considerable boost to your profit margins.

Strategies for Selling to Your Clients:

Selling might not be a something that you are accustomed to and can be uncomfortable for some so here are some recommended tips to improve the sales to your clients.

- Avoid pressure tactics. No one likes to be forced into a purchase. Forcing a sale can dissuade clients, so aim for a supportive, non-intrusive approach.

- Be confident in your products. As an artist, we know the importance of a good aftercare routine. Share your knowledge on the importance with your clients. Showing your expertise is the best way to convince a client that they should invest in that product. 

- Educate them on how important it is to keep their lashes clean. They have invested their money in these lashes so it makes sense to ensure their investment is maintained. The best way to do this is to cleanse.

- Allow clients space to make their own decisions without feeling pressured; a pushy demeanor can deter potential buyers. 

Determining Retail Product Pricing:

If you're contemplating retailing but unsure about pricing, here’s a helpful guide to consider:

                                                                   Cost                         RRP

- LashBase 50ml Lash Shampoo               $19                          $29 

- LashBase Cleanser Concentrate             $1.66 per sachet    Free

- Prolong Cleanser Concentrate                $29                         $25 x six 50ml bottles  

By integrating retail into your services, you not only elevate your client experience but also create a new revenue stream. Embrace the potential of retail without the hard sell, fostering a seamless client-provider relationship.